Filename Type Length Date Description ============================================ 89AILLUS.GIF B 2688 901215 Tiny file illustrates GIF89a-use VUIMG280.ZIP BLD2GIF.ARC B 96415 880620 Converts Bsaved VGA screen images to GIFs CG89A.GIF B 26624 901109 GIF89a format pic-illustrates transparency etc CRPGIF11.ZIP B 33415 910521 GIF sizer, cuts small gifs from large ones CSHW844A.ZIP B 136155 920321 GIF/MAC/RLE view/print, Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA/SVGA CVT2GIF.ZIP B 10046 900713 PIC or PCX to GIF conversion utility, v1.5 CVTGIF15.ARC B 12746 890910 PIC or PCX to GIF picture conversion utility DCVIEW21.ZIP B 257651 930112 High speed JPEG/GIF/BMP view/convert/edit. ASP EGIF035.ARC B 33003 890625 Determine colors/resolution of GIF image file FASTGIF.ARC B 37730 880306 View GIF format files. EGA/VGA only GDS202.ZIP B 229793 930514 Graphic Display System GIF, PCX, RIX GIF.ARC B 52853 880226 Interchange graphics formats GIF2JPG2.ZIP B 181630 930118 Convert GIF files to JPEG & JPEG files to GIF GIF2WP32.ARC B 24897 890127 Convert GIF to WordPerfect Graf. v.3.2 GIF89A.ZIP B 22805 901115 Specifications of GIF89A standard from CIS GIFDECOD.GIF B 6912 890115 GIF drawing explains decoding of GIFs GIFDES40.ZIP B 42124 910311 View several GIFs at once. Req. VGA w/>=512K GIFDOC.ARC B 89706 880801 Specification of GIF standard from CompuServe GIFDOT2.ARC B 127576 900120 Prints GIF. VGA & EGA to EPSON printer GIFENCOD.GIF B 8320 890115 GIF drawing explains encoding of GIFs GIFEND13.ZIP B 6520 911012 Remove unused characters from GIF files GIFEXE20.ZIP B 32874 911021 GIFEXE 2.0: Create .EXE versions of .GIF files GIFKIT11.ARC B 133321 900223 Utilities for manipulating GIF graphics files GIFLEX12.ZIP B 477425 910809 Manipulate GIF images. EXEs made from GIFLIB GIFLIB12.ZIP B 245747 910809 Turbo C 2.0 library to manipulate GIF images GIFLT150.ZIP B 51401 920411 Compress GIF files 20% or more and still view GIFPRT41.ZIP B 39057 920207 Fast GIF view and print with color dither GIFSRC.ZIP B 41066 901218 Pascal and 8086 ASM source for a GIF viewer GIFWARP1.ZIP B 49584 910416 Reshapes any portion of a GIF GIF_CSRC.ZIP B 5019 901218 C source code for a GIF decoder GIF_DOC.ZIP B 35857 901218 Docs re new/old GIF formats & compression GIF_PAS.ZIP B 59023 901218 Pascal source code for a GIF viewer GLIST113.ZIP B 11420 911216 GIF file listing utility, version 1.13 GRABSC11.ZIP B 38235 910112 Save graphics screens to disk, then cvt to GIF GRAFCT30.ZIP B 253279 911231 Catalog/print GIFs and other graphics GREY15.ARC B 29793 880523 Grey scale GIF viewer v1.5 MCGA/CGA/VGA GRFWK61V.ZIP B 347746 930430 View/cvt/print MAC/IMG/GIF/TIFF/EPS graphics HERV131.ZIP B 33312 910527 View any GIF file on Hercules. Many options HV12.ZIP B 294635 920723 Hiview: JPEG/GIF/TGA viewer, req. 386+, VCPI IFSE100.ZIP B 130045 921214 ImgFun 1.0. A powerful GIF viewer, compressor IMAGEPRO.ZIP B 341796 920626 Fast image processor for GIF/PCX/PIC/TIF/TARGA IW2GIF.ZIP B 7599 900108 Convert Imagewise pictures to GIF format JPEG4.ZIP B 98470 930215 Converts JPEG images to/from GIF,Targa,PPM/PGM MAC2GIF.ARC B 77206 890801 Convert MAC graphics files to GIFs MARSFACE.ARC B 23231 900214 Viking Orbiter GIF image & explanatory text MSGIFSCN.ZIP B 20700 910719 Displays info on GIF images, checks validity MVGAVU51.ZIP B 121061 911004 GIF & BLD/PLT viewer w/GIF slideshow (req VGA) NAKED102.ZIP B 357396 920406 NakedEye v1.02, a SuperVGA GIF viewer NVIEW10.ZIP B 117574 930804 SVGA BMP/GIF/PCX/TIFF/TGA Viewer (+ger. help) PICEM27.ZIP B 64328 920330 PICEM v2.7: GIF/PCX/PIC view & conversion PICVIEW.ARC B 123251 900126 GIF/MAC viewer w/adjustable palette animation PIXB10.ZIP B 181218 930602 Smart GIF/JPEG viewer/cataloger for VESA/SVGA PIXIT.ARC B 16143 900203 Converts GIFs to COM and EXE files, w/ASM src PKUNPAK.EXE B 15112 900315 Unpack .ARC files. From PKWare. PKUNZIP.EXE B 23528 900315 Unzip .ZIP files. From PKWare. PKZ110.EXE B 149219 900315 Self-extracting PKZIP programs and docs. PSHOW12.ZIP B 90081 920627 Peepshow: SVGA GIF/TIF/PCX/TGA show/view/conv. PSTGIF12.ARC B 34039 890613 Convert GIF to EPS w/gray scale translation PV13.ZIP B 153087 910428 PicView 1.3 view GIF, MAC, RIX for VGA PVQUAN16.ZIP B 103956 930714 Convert .TGA to .FLI/.GIF, C source SCEDIT10.ZIP B 116043 910809 View/change GIF,TGA,BMP,PCX on VESA VGA/TIGA SCR2GIF2.ZIP B 27520 900927 Capture EGA/VGA screens, then convert to GIF SHOWGIF.ARC B 9597 880503 Display 'GIF' pictures SHWGIF51.ZIP B 27954 901216 View .GIFs while downloading, for EGA/VGA SNAPVS.ARC B 64628 900120 View GIF files on VGA, print on STAR NX-1000 SQZGIF13.ZIP B 69489 900807 Reduce large GIF files to 320x200 for printing STIGR9.GIF B 159104 901123 GIF89a animated pic, use VUIMG275 to display STRIPGIF.ARC B 7214 880902 Strip unneeded characters from .GIF Files SVGA112.ZIP B 68233 930525 Fast TrueColor GIF/PCX/BMP/TGA viewer TEXTTST.GIF B 1536 901109 New GIF89a format test picture TGIF11.ZIP B 8568 910521 GIF cut/grayscale cvt/sharpen image. (VGA req) TITLEMAK.ZIP B 116689 920109 Converts GIF to EXE for EGA/VGA/CGA/Herc/EGAM VGA2CGA2.ZIP B 64734 900927 Convert VGA GIF files to CGA VGA2EGA4.ARC B 100089 890421 Convert GIFs to 16-color EGA pictures VGA2GIF3.ARC B 13788 880829 Capture VGA 256 color to GIF VPIC48.ZIP B 128093 920319 GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix pics view/convrt, EGA/VGA VPIC50.ZIP B 134638 920719 GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix pics view/convrt, EGA/VGA VPIC61.ZIP B 163638 931009 GIF/MAC/PCX/ColorRix pics view/convrt, EGA/VGA VUIMG330.ZIP B 123136 920312 GIF/GIF89a/PCX/TIFF view/print, zoom/pan/scal VX38613.ZIP B 157475 930205 32bit DOS GIF/JPEG/TARGA viewer for SS24X WHATPIC2.ZIP B 14612 920324 Gives specs of graphic files GIF,JPEG,BMP&more WMORPH10.ZIP B 332681 930830 2D-Morphing program for 320x200 GIF & 386